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Radical Manners: Hosting and Hospitality for Resistance

Sat 4 PM | Greater Things

Sara Green

Started as a collection of recipes, stories and pictures from People of Color invested in liberation, Radical Manners is a traveling gallery that uses Christian narratives of hospitality, storytelling and food sharing to nourish ourselves for the work ahead. This workshop highlights the importance of hospitality as spirit work through conversation and art making.

Sara Green

Sara Green is the Youth and Young Adults of Color Ministry Associate at the Unitarian Universalist Association. She understands her work to be a practice of radical hospitality and embodiment in service of freedom and justice. Often, her ministry looks like putting her hands and heart into organizing for LGBT rights and racial justice. She currently serves on the board of Soulforce and is part of the Black Lives of UU Ministerial Network. As a graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School, she is excited to make the walls of the church permeable and the reach of social change wide-felt.

144 Radical Manners

Session #144

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